All meetings of the Parish Council are cancelled at the present time due to the coronavirus situation.  The Parish Council is following government advice to stay in and not have any gatherings of more than 2 people from different households.  We are waiting for an update from central Government on the lawfulness of holding 'virtual meetings' and will update when this news is received.  Until that time, there will be meetings in the immediate future.

The Village Hall is now closed and will remain so until it is safe to open again.  Whilst in closure, the Hall is being deep cleaned ready for reopening.

All playgrounds in the Village are officially closed and notices have been placed on the playgrounds and gates locked where applicable and/or equpment taped up with notices etc.  The Parks currently remain open as they are open spaces until such time as new guidelines/directions are forthcoming.

The Parish Office remains open as usual and residents should call 07494 577661 or email us at  if they have any questions relating to the Parish Council.

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